A small trial of oral cannabinoid preparations shows no benefit compared with a placebo in treating Parkinson’s disease symptoms, including dyskinesia. Yucel et al. reviewed longitudinal studies of schizophrenic patients with and without comorbid cannabis use. They found that people with schizophrenia with a history of cannabis use performed better on tests of cognition than non-cannabis users.


CaRefined LLC dba CannaRefined offers a plant that people have used for medicinal purposes for centuries. It is used as a pain reliever, mood stabilizer, and appetite stimulant and can also reduce nausea caused by some cancer treatments. However, cannabis can have dangerous side effects, especially when used regularly or in large quantities. It can affect your thinking and cause you to lose control of your actions. It can also make you feel drowsy and slow down your reaction time. It can be addictive and can cause withdrawal symptoms if you stop using it. You should avoid driving when you have used cannabis, as it may impair your ability to do so. If you are worried about your use of cannabis, talk to your healthcare provider or call a helpline for advice. Your workplace employee assistance program (EAP) can also be a useful resource for information and guidance.

Researchers are exploring the use of cannabis to treat certain cancer symptoms, including nausea and vomiting, sleep disturbances, depression, anxiety, and fatigue. In one study, patients with a cancer-related condition who used medical marijuana reported reduced symptoms and improved quality of life.

The research on medicinal cannabis is limited, but some studies have shown that it can reduce nausea and vomiting in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. It has also been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties and can suppress the growth of some tumors. However, more research is needed to establish the safety of cannabis for this purpose and to determine which strains are most effective in reducing tumor growth.

Cannabis can interact with several medications, so you should discuss any plans to use it with your doctor. It can decrease the effectiveness of some drugs, including antidepressants and some immune system suppressants. It can also reduce the absorption of some antibiotics, such as tetracyclines.

Medicinal cannabis is approved in some countries for the treatment of specific medical conditions, such as multiple sclerosis and epilepsy. However, it has not yet been approved for these purposes. A person should not use marijuana if they have a history of mental illness because it can increase the risk of having a psychotic episode.

Cannabis is often used recreationally, especially by young people. It has a variety of psychoactive effects, including euphoria, drowsiness, uncontrollable laughter, hunger, and inattentiveness. Cannabis use also may cause impaired judgment and reduced ability to perform complex tasks, which puts users at greater risk for accidents and injury. The law allows adults 21 and older to possess up to three ounces of marijuana or 24 grams of concentrated cannabis. In addition, adults can smoke cannabis anywhere smoking tobacco is permitted. However, it is not legal to drive under the influence of marijuana or any other drug. Second-hand cannabis smoke can irritate the lungs and nose.

Researchers have found that some people who use cannabis develop psychiatric disorders. The most commonly identified is cannabis use disorder (CUD), which has been associated with anxiety and depression, particularly social anxiety disorder. It also can be a comorbid condition with post-traumatic stress disorder and schizoaffective disorder. Some research suggests that heavy cannabis users are at higher risk for testicular cancer, although more study is needed to explore this connection.

A few studies have linked cannabis use with schizophrenia, but the evidence is limited. One theory is that people who use cannabis may be medicating early negative symptoms of schizophrenia. This could increase the likelihood that they will eventually develop full-blown psychosis.

Despite the widespread myth that cannabis is harmless and poses no health risks, medical professionals should counsel patients about its potential dangers. They should also discuss how to minimize harm, including preventing children from ingesting THC by storing marijuana and its paraphernalia out of their reach.

In addition, doctors should advise pregnant women that cannabis is not safe and can interfere with the development of the fetus. Likewise, breastfeeding mothers should avoid using cannabis because it can pass through the breast milk and harm the baby. Behavioral therapies, such as motivational interviewing and contingency management, can help to treat cannabis addiction. Researchers are also investigating whether some existing pharmacologic treatments, such as naloxone, an anti-anxiety medication, can help with addiction to cannabis. A combination of behavioral and pharmacologic approaches may be the most effective.

Cannabis is a plant that produces a resin containing many different substances, including THC and CBD. THC is a psychoactive substance that causes users to feel “high” or “stoned.” CBD does not cause these effects. Cannabis comes in a variety of forms and can be used medicinally or recreationally. Many other names, such as marijuana, pot, hemp, and hash, also know it.

In CUD, there is compulsive use of cannabis, resulting in impaired psychological, physical, or social functioning. The behavior is recurrent, and there is a failure to fulfill role obligations at work, school, or home because of the cannabis use. The disturbance is caused by and recurs despite efforts to reduce or control the use.

Behavioral treatment methods include motivational interviewing, cognitive restructuring, and relapse prevention techniques. Achieving abstinence from cannabis is a learning process. Relapse is common, especially for adolescents, so it’s important to have a strong support system. Families should talk about drug use with their children early. This can help frame a healthy mindset about drugs and may prevent them from trying marijuana later in life. It’s best to start these conversations before middle school when adolescence is often the time of increased risk for teen substance abuse.

Cannabis, especially when smoked, has the potential to affect the user in ways that can increase their risk for accidents at work or home, such as impaired judgment and coordination. In addition, it can impair the ability to drive or operate machinery and may cause changes in perceptions of taste, sight, and smell. In some people, it can also cause an increased appetite (“the munchies”) and dilated pupils.

Long-term use can lead to dependence and addiction. It can cause an increase in the heart rate and blood pressure, which may increase the risk of heart attack and stroke for those with cardiovascular conditions. It can also cause anxiety and paranoia in some people. It can also make certain psychiatric conditions worse, such as schizophrenia.

When taking cannabis, always start with a low dose and wait a few hours to see how you respond. Be sure never to mix cannabis with alcohol and avoid consuming other drugs, especially stimulants such as cocaine, amphetamines, or cocaine-like substances (e.g., cathinones).

If you take medications, tell your pharmacist about any cannabis use. They can assess whether it interacts with your prescriptions and over-the-counter drugs, which may be dangerous.

Avoid smoking cannabis, as it irritates the lungs. It is better to use a tincture, an edible, or a vaporizer. Do not share a joint, bong, or pipe with others, as you may be exposed to a variety of germs that can lead to illnesses such as the cold, flu, meningitis, mono, or other infections.

Do not drive or use any machinery after using cannabis, as it can impair your reaction time and coordination. It can also cause dizziness, blurred vision, and a loss of balance, which could increase the risk of falls or injuries.

Young people should not use cannabis, as it can interfere with brain development and potentially increase the risk of mental illness. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should also avoid it, as it can harm the fetus and newborn. Those with a history of psychosis should also prevent it, as it can worsen their symptoms.